
  • BioMerieux PREVI-Isola Microbiology revolutionary automated agar plate inoculation floor standing system. PREVI-Isola automated agar plate inoculation system designed by microbiologists for microbiologists. Plate inoculator maximises and standardises bacterial colony isolation. PREVI-Isola inoculation system features: high quality streaking with superior colony isolation high throughput with 180 plates per hour, compact design and significant productivity gains through improved workflow.  Near new and in excellent physical and working condition.

  • BioRad Bio-Plex 200 system is a flexible analyser based on the principles of the Flow Cytometry system. The BioRad Bio-Plex 200 enables the user to simultaneously measure up to 100 analytes in a single microplate well using very small sample volumes. Bio-Plex 200 delivers fast and cost-effective bioassay results on many assay formats. Such as nucleic acid assays, immunoassays, enzymatic and receptor ligand assays.

  • Canon 320 Slices CT Scanner, Tube Slice 348503 model Aquilion one 320. The Canon systems health information is Software version V8.9 with a CXB 750D tube type and a 140KV tube nominal voltage.  Tube scan seconds at 274678.9, Exp tube count at 348503 with Spellman generator type.

  • CELL-DYN RUBY Automated Hematology Analyser by Abbott Laboratories. The Cell-Dyn Ruby designed for reliable performance with quality results and in vitro diagnostic use for the medium clinical laboratory. The Ruby Cell Dyn reduces the need for microscopic blood smear reviews and repeat tests as well as three dimensional red blood cell measurement optical technology.  In good physical and working condition and comes with a monitor, keyboard including mouse and barcode reader.

  • Cobas AmpliPrep & Taqman 96 Analyser by ROCHE Diagnostics complete system in excellent working condition.

  • Contherm BioCell Incubator 1000 is a Polar variant incubator. The Contherm BioCell incubator 1000 contains Ozone friendly refrigerants and oils in addition manufactured in a quality production environment. Easy to set and easy to read LED digital display allowing for easy to operate functions. Fitted Hi-limit controls for sample protection.  Loading at 400W, Volts 230-240, 50Hz.

  • Contherm Scientific Precision Incubator.  Excellent physical and working condition. Inside dimensions: W670 x D515 x H12020 Total: W810 x D665 x H19055 Volts: 230, 50Hz. Load: 400W. Max temp: 60oC. Manual included.

    The OLYMPUS BX45TF Microscope can be customised with different viewing heads, including binocular, ergo binocular, ergo tilting, telescoping and trinocular.

  • Coulter LH 780 Hematology Analyser improves cell enumeration accuracy with accucount technology. The Coulter LH 780 Hematology Analyser also improves productivity with WBC linearity extending from zero to 400,000. As well as Platelet linearity from zero to 300,000 increasing Clinician confidence and Clinical threshold decisions.

  • CRYSTE Bio Safety Cabinet PURICUBE NEO 1200 is made in Korea. Protects the user and laboratory from cross contamination from various samples used in experiments. Additionally 70% recirculated air is filtered through the Hepa filter ensuring product safety is assured. Accordingly in compliance with the environmental laboratory safety requirements 30% exhausting air is emitted through the hepa filter. Finally the Cryste biosafety cabinet also comes with manuals and is in excellent physical and working condition.

  • ELNOR Vacuum Pump. The Elnor vacuum pump is manually regulated also the timer can be added. Last used with a high-speed refrigerated Centrifuge. Specifics: 5A, 230Volts, 1450rpm, 0.3kW, 50Hz. Excellent physical and working condition.

    The OLYMPUS BX45TF Microscope can be customised with different viewing heads, including binocular, ergo binocular, ergo tilting, telescoping and trinocular.

  • FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer BD BIOSCIENCES enumerates and identifies lymphocyte subsets in human cells in suspension. Single benchtop system performs both cell analysis and cell sorting. Instinctive software solutions.  Wide range of applications including numeration of stem cells, reticulocytes and residual white blood cells. However manufactured in February 2007 this particular system is complete with computer, printer and accessories.  In conclusion in excellent working and physical condition.

  • FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer BD BIOSCIENCES enumerates and identifies lymphocyte subsets in human cells in suspension. Single benchtop system performs both cell analysis and cell sorting. Instinctive software solutions.  Wide range of applications including numeration of stem cells, reticulocytes and residual white blood cells. However manufactured in February 2007 this particular system is complete with computer, printer and accessories.  In conclusion in excellent working and physical condition. Out of stock.

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