ABI 3130xl Genetic Analyser is a system upgraded version of the ABI Prism 3100 genetic analyser. Like wise the 3130xl genetic analyser is a more advanced system with the latest generation of 16 capillary electrophoresis for the medium throughput laboratories In addition this system offers leading performance within the industry as well as sophisticated automation abilities. Importantly allowing researches to save time and increase productivity including reducing costs. Currently out of stock.
ABI 3500 Genetic analyser used for resequencing and fragment analysis by using the electrophoresis sequencing system. The ABI 3500 genetic analyser with an 8 capillary system however easily upgraded to a 24 capillary system. The ABI 3500 series genetic analysers can run a wide variety of applications including de novo sequencing, mutation profiling as well as microsatellite analysis The 3500 genetic series also includes accurate reliable data quality and improved sizing position. Ready to use consumables with RFID tags including easy to use data collection software. Currently Out of Stock.
ABI PRISM 3100 Genetic Analyser is an automated capillary electrophoresis system. The ABI Prism 3100 genetic analyser system can detect, separate and analyse fluorescent labeled DNA fragments in one run. Also includes Sequencing analysis which separates fragments according to their lengths. Then there is fragment analysis that determines the length of each fragment in base pair and complete with computer.
ABI PRISM® 7000 Sequence Detection System is a complete, real-time PCR system that detects and quantitates nucleic acid sequences. The ABI PRISM 7000 in real-time PCR also a cycle-by-cycle detection of the accumulated PCR product made possible by combining thermal cycling. In addition, fluorescence detection, and application-specific software in a single instrument. Quantitative results are available immediately after PCR without additional purification or analysis.
ABI SOLiD 5500XL Sequencer is a Genetic Analyser developed by Life Technologies however it was only made available in 2006. This method of sequencing provides internal accuracy checks as ligation is coded by 2 nucleotides. As a result each nucleotide is sequenced twice and the overall sequencing data is 99.95% accurate. The basic principal behind the functions of the SOLiD 5500xl sequencer is by fluorophore detection. The DNA sequencer is used to determine the order of the four bases: Guanine, Cytosine, Adenine and Thymine which is then reported as a test string known as a read. The ABI SOLiD 5500xl sequencer can provide information of medical value and future care.
MicroGrid Compact BioRobotics model MGII 410 is a high throughput automated microarrayer system. The MicroGrid Compact MGII was manufactured in 2002 and also comes with accessories, a complete unit in good working condition. The OLYMPUS BX45TF Microscope can be customised with different viewing heads, including binocular, ergo binocular, ergo tilting, telescoping and trinocular.
MyGene L Series Peltier Thermal Cycler high performance laboratory instrument based on the most advanced technology. MyGene L Series Peltier Thermal Cycler features an innovative 2 in 1 combi block for both 0.2ml and 0.5ml tubes. Lightweight and engineered for durability and multiple applications. Other equipment The OLYMPUS BX45TF Microscope can be customised with different viewing heads, including binocular, ergo binocular, ergo tilting, telescoping and trinocular.